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Friday, August 19, 2011

Now, To Get It Right

Now that all media and the India Against Corruption (IAC) campaign have claimed victory we should look at more important things ahead and not rest on achievements of the last two days. But before we do, an observation. It is a sad statement on the state of our democracy when gaining the right to protest is hailed as a victory. We are not China for Mao's sake!

Today, the fast will continue from Ramlila Maidan. The fast to ensure implementation of key clauses in the proposed Jan Lokpal Bill (JLB). However, the IAC should tread very carefully and with responsibility. The agitation of the past few days should not be assumed to be a logical support for all their recommendations. It is not a mandate to try to force the government to agree to all their demands. There has to be genuine debate over the issue they are fighting for. Not that they already haven't, but since they are making a renewed effort, it is important to keep their emotions in check. We also need to remember that the government has not agreed to discuss the draft bill yet, they have only given permission to protest. It is however safe to assume that at some point they will give in.

It is also important, more now than ever, when IAC has the attention of the nation and the government, to be magnanimous and flexible. A lot of people are concerned about the seemingly blackmail-ish methods being adopted by the movement. The IAC also has a responsibility to allay such concerns. Though some might understand the desperation, they still do not agree with methods adopted. Since the IAC has assumed representation on behalf of the people of the country, it is important they be whatever they say the government is not. While it is commendable that they have prepared a draft bill on their own, it is inevitable that anybody with some knowledge of it will not have their two cents to put in. The movement has become bigger than the IAC campaign and they will need to be receptive to many more new ideas than before.

This movement has a lot going for it. The people have pledged their almost blind support to the collective wisdom of the IAC leaders. Now is the time for them to differentiate themselves from the leaders we elect. The burden of responsibility is huge. People's expectations have gone beyond the JLB. They sense, want real sustainable change. Having started a good thing, the IAC campaign will  need to play an important role in the coming months, JLB or no JLB. The IAC leaders need to look at the bigger picture here. Even if some of their demands are not met (and that will be the case eventually), they have been provided with an unprecedented opportunity to effect real change. The JLB is just an instrument to implement the bigger, far reaching goals. Though it is a good start, it should definitely not be the end.

As Uncle Ben said it, "with great power comes great responsibility".

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