At least thats what we are told by the chosen few. I think the problem is we as a people do not get mad enough; enough. How long do we have to be treated like lowly subjects of the fucking government; like they are doing us a favor. One has to switch on the TV to see the ruling party's spokespeople wax eloquent about how magnanimous our PM is! It is his damn job for fucks sake. And there is a section of the media (NDTV, TOI, in particular) who have sold their souls for handouts from the government, giving in, being a colostomy bag for the sheer shit that comes from the idiots who speak on behalf of the govt. Today has been probably the most sickening collective display of sycophancy and self serving bias.
Many people might not know or care but today our elected leader of the government chose to speak to the people through five hand picked print media editors. Without cameras. I wouldnt have had a problem with the closed door meeting if the government had not created so much hype about the forthcoming 'event'. This was supposed to be when the PM would answer all questions, silence his critics and fool the general public into thinking he is still in control. What we got instead was a secretive meeting with little credibility as to what really happened in there. I mean one of the editors came out and said 'The PM was so jovial. He was joking'. Even the most innocent supporter of the PM wouldnt believe that this man has a sense of humor.
The PMO website has posted the PM's opening statement, which runs more than 1,800 words! Given his pace of speaking, one wonders (as pointed by a TV commentator) where was the time for others to ask questions? There is also a preliminary transcript posted on the website, clearly prepared by a bored elementary school student copying notes off the blackboard. Maybe it was RG. The disrespect and disdain displayed by the PMO is unprecedented. Why are they keen on patting themselves on the back for addressing the media? It is in the job profile. This is the 21st century, someone needs to tell them. Well somebody did. When pointed out on a TV discussion that even Obama tweets, the congress spokesperson said 'we are doing better than them in economic matters and he (obama) should worry about that'. What the fuck does that have to do with anything! Its not Dr. Singh's style, they say. Well appoint someone else or ask him to get the fuck out.
The government, any government has to realize their duty to the people. They have to make people a part of the process, a part of governance. Governance cant be exclusionary, cant be the privilege of bureaucrats and politicians. It has to be participative. Today's effort is too little and so elementary that we as a democracy should not be discussing when the PM speaks. The government has to get over their high of being in power, feeling large hearted for speaking to us lowly people. This government has failed in its basic requirement of providing us with a functional government. With record scams, corrupt ministers, non-existent leadership this regime has lost its mandate to be in power. It is when governance has completely failed that people turn to whatever they have, viz. people like BR.
If this govt. really places the best interests of the country ahead of the party's (or the Gandhi family's) they should quit. The bunch of them. Like i said we dont get angry enough, enough.
Many people might not know or care but today our elected leader of the government chose to speak to the people through five hand picked print media editors. Without cameras. I wouldnt have had a problem with the closed door meeting if the government had not created so much hype about the forthcoming 'event'. This was supposed to be when the PM would answer all questions, silence his critics and fool the general public into thinking he is still in control. What we got instead was a secretive meeting with little credibility as to what really happened in there. I mean one of the editors came out and said 'The PM was so jovial. He was joking'. Even the most innocent supporter of the PM wouldnt believe that this man has a sense of humor.
The PMO website has posted the PM's opening statement, which runs more than 1,800 words! Given his pace of speaking, one wonders (as pointed by a TV commentator) where was the time for others to ask questions? There is also a preliminary transcript posted on the website, clearly prepared by a bored elementary school student copying notes off the blackboard. Maybe it was RG. The disrespect and disdain displayed by the PMO is unprecedented. Why are they keen on patting themselves on the back for addressing the media? It is in the job profile. This is the 21st century, someone needs to tell them. Well somebody did. When pointed out on a TV discussion that even Obama tweets, the congress spokesperson said 'we are doing better than them in economic matters and he (obama) should worry about that'. What the fuck does that have to do with anything! Its not Dr. Singh's style, they say. Well appoint someone else or ask him to get the fuck out.
The government, any government has to realize their duty to the people. They have to make people a part of the process, a part of governance. Governance cant be exclusionary, cant be the privilege of bureaucrats and politicians. It has to be participative. Today's effort is too little and so elementary that we as a democracy should not be discussing when the PM speaks. The government has to get over their high of being in power, feeling large hearted for speaking to us lowly people. This government has failed in its basic requirement of providing us with a functional government. With record scams, corrupt ministers, non-existent leadership this regime has lost its mandate to be in power. It is when governance has completely failed that people turn to whatever they have, viz. people like BR.
If this govt. really places the best interests of the country ahead of the party's (or the Gandhi family's) they should quit. The bunch of them. Like i said we dont get angry enough, enough.