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Monday, June 6, 2011

Let the games begin!

Now that baba ramdev (BR) has been ejected from Delhi and the grounds cleared, the real games can begin in earnest. About time. It has been almost two years since BR announced his plans to launch a political party before the 2014 elections. Now he has been provided, on a very giant platter may I add, a perfect opportunity to claim the necessary mandate and reason to do so immediately. I can almost see Congress old timers getting nostalgic and thinking how good the summer of 1977 was. Emergency was in the air, opposition was in the jail, and people generally did not give a fuck. Unfortunately the last bit has changed and how.

In the coming days there will be serious repurcussions for the government and its political masters. The congress has unwittingly created another political rival who will pose a very credible threat to Rahul Baba's (RB) dreams of conquering UP. Not only has the party been shamed by it's sanjay gandhi-esque disdain for democracy, or civil behaviour for that matter, they have also provided BR with a legitamate cause to expand his one-act play to be novelized and then made into a film, with five sequels. The party's negotiators got it wrong from the start and ensured that the end was as spectacularly stupid. They did not see through BR's intentions of grabbing as much media attention, knowing fully well that his demands have been vague/irrational/changing with every demand met. Their inability to thwart a new political opponent has been challenged and they have failed. Miserably. Now what we, the citizens, will get is not our black money back, but yet another politician who indulges in hyperbole and can generally make a lot of noise.

What happened at the ramlila maidan was absolutely unnecessary. It is going to lead to an overtly righteous vindictive backlash. The cause is forgotten, it is egos now that will take centrestage. It would not be long before BR's campaign against corruption transforms into a campaign against the congress. And we can expect the congress party to respond in typical fashion, blaming the RSS types being a part of this protest, badmouthing BR (Digvijay Singh, please shut the fuck up) and being in absolute denial. The leadership as has been the trend; is nowhere to be seen. Sonia Ji (SJ) and RB have not uttered a single highly accented word to the media. Where is the midnight motorcycle ride, where is the meeting with the PM with ladies who got thrashed and tear gassed on saturday?

As always is the case with political slugfests, we are the only losers. BR is already being percieved as the wronged one. The congress now does not have to do anything about the list of its ministers who hold black money in overseas accounts. They might lose face, or worse the elections in 2014, but that will be enough time to move onto larger, better executed scams!

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