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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


This is not about Salman Khan's latest. Though it is hilarious as some claim the movie to be. Ready is what Digvijay Singh thinks Rahul Gandhi is, to 'assume' primeministership that is. Since Mr. Singh was kicked out of chief ministership, some ten years back, he has adopted the collective role of a coterie. On RBs 41st birthday Mr. Singh grandly announced his opinion that RB was ready to be prime minister. It is of little concern to him that the 2014 general elections are actually going to be held, well in 2014.

Also of little concern is Rahul Baba's track record. He has led, not led in reality because assuming responsibility would lead to accountability, he has guided the Congress' quest for power in UP & Bihar straight into the dustbin. Maybe Mr. Singh was impressed with Rahul Baba's daredevilery during the Greater Noida agitation. He didnt wear a helmet on that bike trip after all! Let us not forget the many nights RB has spent in poor dalit homes across the country. Coming from Delhi, the air-conditioned upper caste residential hub those night spends must have really given him perspective.

One might argue that the need of the hour is a young leader, to lead the country in this era of growth. Young is good. Inexperienced is not. Compare RB with Tony Blair (TB). TB became the PM of UK at the age of 43. He was a MP at 30, RB at 34. But the big and the most vital difference is how the two leaders came up the power ladder. While Mr. Blair climbed it gradually, assuming his party's leadership after 11 years of working for the party, RB is already at the top waiting for the ladder to be built so that he can hop on. The fact that his mother leads the party must make him the most secure leader in any country (including Kim Jong II). Not that RB is unaware of his priveleged status. In an interview few years back, he lamented the reality of dynasty politics in Indian democracy. But he finds himself helpless in view of pleas from people like Mr. Singh.

What we all overlook at times like these is that there is infact a Prime Minister in place in New Delhi. His name is...umm....Dr. Singh. He must feel appropriately emasculated that a succession plan is being put in place without him consenting to it or even being informed of it. It is still better than the time when ministers of his cabinet had called for RB to become PM some years ago.

In a country where we pride ourselves on a dynamic democracy, free press, functioning though overburdened judiciary, it would be a shame if the Congress' planned succession goes through with no questions asked. I am not a believer of 'we deserve the leaders we get' line of thought for the simple reason, political parties, especially the Congress do not allow new leaders to come to the fore. Cheap people like Mr. Singh add to the problem when they think announcing RBs readiness to be PM would be a gift enough for his birthday. Get him a helmet or a pillow atleast.

1 comment:

  1. I like the play of words. Your 'in the face' style of writing is quite refreshing!
    The bitter truth remains, "Dynasty politics" has and continues to ramshackle this land of endurance. And how 'they- the select few in the position of power' test our patience...
